Sewer Back-up and Rodding Rebate
Any property connected to the municipal sanitary sewer collection system must adhere to the City of St. Thomas Sewer Use By-law, as amended.
Property owners own and are solely responsible for the private drain connection component (prom the property line into the building) of the sanitary sewer service lateral, including any associated maintenance, repair, or replacement cots.
Property owners are also solely responsible for the operation of the entire sanitary service lateral. If you are having a sewer backup, please call a plumber of your choice. There are many local plumbers available that can be found at If the blockage is deemed to be on City property, by way of measurement or video, the homeowner may submit a Rodding Rebate Application to the city for review. The form/invoice must be authorized/signed by the licensed plumber that performed the work that shows the blockage to be on the City side. If the rebate application is approved, the homeowner would receive a rebate not exceeding $250 for the rodding. The rebate application will be considered for a residential property up to a maximum of twice per calendar year.
The application form can be accessed via our Customer Service Feedback form, by selecting "Rodding Rebate Application" under the categories dropdown. Click here for access to the online form.
Please note that to enhance efficiency and expedite applications, we have transitioned to online submissions. If you encounter accessibility challenges accessing the application online, please contact us at 519-631-3262 to request a mailed copy or visit the Environmental Services department to obtain a paper application form.