We're here to serve you and we want to make it easy for you to contact us, whether it's to ask us a question or let us know how we're doing. And we want you to be able to do it the way you choose, by phone, mail, fax, email or even in person.
General Information:
City of St. Thomas
P.O. Box 520, City Hall
545 Talbot Street
St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3V7
Telephone: 519-631-1680
Fax: 519-633-9019
Registered Dedicated TTY line for speech and hearing impaired users only: 519-631-3836
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. excluding statutory holidays
City Council
City Clerk's Department (includes Airport): handles city administration including Council agendas, minutes and original by-law documents, municipal elections, and marriage licences.
City Manager: directs and manages daily administration of the City.
Economic Development: work to attract new businesses to the city and provide tourism services for the city.
Environmental Services (includes Engineering/Operations/Transit/Waste Management/Water and Wastewater): responsible for many day-to-day operating functions including construction, road maintenance, parking, transit, water and wastewater, and garbage collection.
Fire Department: provides fire protection for the citizens of the city.
Human Resources: takes care of employment-related matters.
Library: provides our community with a wide and up-to-date collection of books, magazines, newspapers and DVD's for rental, free internet access at 16 computer stations, in-house wireless network, programs for all ages and interests, including an extensive children's collection, book clubs and a local history section with birth, death and marriage notices going back over 100 years.
Office of the Mayor
Parks & Recreation: inspires and assists community members to live healthy and active lives through parks, open spaces, facilities, programs and services.
Planning and Building Services Department: supports City Council and its committees on all matters related to land use planning. Building permits, Property Standards By-law Enforcement.
Police Services: provide police protection for the citizens of the city.
St. Thomas-Elgin Social Services: provides a wide range of financial and employment assistance to people in financial need.
Treasury Department (includes Purchasing and Licensing): responsible for the city's finances, taxation, insurance administration, purchasing/licensing, information technology and parking ticket accounting.
Valleyview Home for the Aged: our senior care facility.
Phone Directory by Name