Municipal Heritage Register

Designated Properties

Heritage Designation:

a) recognizes the importance of a property to the local community
b) protects the property's cultural heritage value
c) encourages good stewardship and conservation
d) promotes knowledge and understanding about the property

Steps to Designation:

  1. identifying the property as a candidate for designation
  2. researching and evaluating the property
  3. serving Notice of Intention to Designate, with an opportunity for objection
  4. passing and registering the designation by-law
  5. listing the property on the municipal register
  6. listing the property on the provincial register

Designated Properties include:

Old St. Thomas Church By-law 100-1982
St. Thomas City Hall By-law 26-1989
Former Public Library By-law 27-1989
Elgin County Land Registry Office By-law 61-1989
Elgin County Court House By-law 62-1989
95 Metcalfe Street By-law 146-1992
105 Metcalfe Street By-law 147-1992
50 William Street By-law 148-1992
20 Walnut Street By-law 103-1994
7 Church Street By-law 104-1994
10 Centre Street By-law 105-1994
33-33 1/2 St. George Street By-law 48-1996
Wellington Street Public School By-law 145-1996
PUC Building By-law 136-1998
Former Southern Loan Building By-law 167-2001
Princess Avenue Playhouse By-law 168-2001
BX Interlocking Tower By-law 30-2002
Holy Angels Church By-law 31-2002
Pinafore Park By-law 96-2005
Waterworks Park By-law 152-2006
Balaclava Street School By-law 17-2012
Dingman House, 91 Metcalfe Street By-Law 26-2014
McLachlin House, 1 Wellington Street By-Law 27-2014
McKenzie House, 86 Talbot Street By-Law 28-2014
McKay-Mulligan House, 76 Talbot Street By-Law 185-2014
CASO Station, 750 Talbot Street By-Law 186-2014
MCR Shops, 225 Wellington Street By-Law 187-2014
MCR Bridge over Kettle Creek By-Law 138-2015
763-767 Talbot Street By-Law 153-2017
114 Metcalfe Street By-law 3-2024

Listed Properties 

Listing Properties on the Register:

These listed properties have cultural heritage value and have not been designated. Owners of listed properties must give Council at least 60 days notice of their intention to demolish or remove a building of structure on the property. This allows staff and the Municipal Heritage Committee time to evaluate the property and decide whether to begin the designation process to give long term protection to the property. There are no obligations/restrictions on alterations to the property.

Heritage Conservation Districts 

Planning Documents- Heritage Conservation District
Heritage Alteration Permit Application Form

By-Law 100-2018 - Heritage Conservation District
Downtown St. Thomas Heritage Conservation District Plan
Downtown St. Thomas Heritage Conservation District Study
Appendix "E" - Built Heritage Inventories

Downtown St. Thomas Heritage Conservation District