St. Thomas Transportation Master Refresh 2024


The City of St. Thomas is refreshing its Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to serve as a long-range strategic plan for the City. The TMP refresh will address existing transportation challenges and opportunities, support growth, and recommend policies to promote an efficient, multi-modal transportation network which fosters vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit mobility.

The study will provide an assessment of the City’s transportation improvement needs and provide recommendations to improve operational, design, and transportation policies which St. Thomas uses to manage its transportation infrastructure.

The TMP refresh will be undertaken in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Master Planning process, within the Municipal Engineers Association (2000, as amended 2007, 2011 and 2015). The TMP refresh will develop a framework for future projects to address specific challenges and/or recommendations related to transportation in St. Thomas.

How Do I Get Involved?

Notice of Project Open House - June 25, 2024
Presentation from Open House (June 25, 2024)

Please participate in our survey by clicking this link.

During the study period, you'll have numerous opportunities to provide your input.  Keep informed of essential dates, events and chances to contribute by checking his webpage and connecting with us on social media.

This webpage will continually be updated with additional details about the study, important dates, upcoming events, and methods for sharing feedback.

Join us at two public engagement events during the study period to delve into project specifics and directly share your feedback with the team.  Dates to be determined.

Additional Information

Transportation Master Plan Refresh 2024 Brochure

For more information, or to be added to the study’s distribution list to receive updates, please contact a member of the study team below:

Shayne Reitsma, P. Eng.                 Kevin Jones
Manager of Development and Compliance   Consultant Team Project Manager
City of St. Thomas   Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited
T 519-631-1680 x4151   T 416-479-9684 x513
[email protected]   [email protected]