The 10 year capital plan for infrastructure projects within the roadway is available as a map and as a table. The City operates and maintains approximately $1.2 billion worth of assets which require continual rehabilitation and replacement. This clear long term plan will ensure the efficient use of available budgets and maximize asset lifecycles. All streets will be reconstructed using a Complete Streets approach to create attractive and livable streets.
The plan was developed using in-house staff expertise, condition assessment data, risk assessments, and various studies. Projects are prioritized based on a number of factors including risk, most effective timing of rehabilitation to maximize lifecycle, areas with combined sewers, pipe upsizing required for upstream development, water quality improvements, etc. Selecting the projects is complicated by the fact that there are multiple assets (i.e. watermain, sewers, road, streetlights, etc.) within the same roadway that all have varying life expectancies and rehabilitation or replacement needs. For more information on how projects are selected check out the Roads Construction FAQ.

The map includes the pavement condition map and the watermain and sanitary sewer risk maps. The risk is based on the likelihood of failure (i.e. age, material, etc.) and the consequence of failure (i.e. larger pipes impact more users, break on major road disrupts more traffic, etc.).