This week you may notice new zone signs being mounted in our municipal parking lots.
Starting Friday October 8, 2021, we are partnering with HONK mobile for the on-line payment for all day parking in the 2-hour parking spots.
This is NOT for monthly or yearly permits – stay tuned for future updates on these permits.
HONK mobile offers touch-free flexible payment options for guests through a secure payment portal. Moving to a digital platform will provide instant, contactless parking options for visitors to the City of St. Thomas’ down-town core. As always, Talbot Street parking will continue to be 2-hour parking only. Available from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Download the HONK app today!
Visit www.honkmobile.com for more information.
If you questions for the city, please email [email protected]
Paper permits for those requiring alternate formats will still be available at City Hall, Monday – Friday from 8:30am – 4:30pm from the Environmental Services Department.