St. Thomas City Council embarks on Refresh to Community Strategic Plan

Full Steam Ahead!
The City of St. Thomas is undertaking a refresh of it’s Strategic Plan, and staff are initiating Phase 1 of the community engagement process.
A Public Engagement Survey has launched and will be available for residents to take part in until April 21, 2023. Hard copies of the survey can be found at City Hall in the Mayor's office, the Customer Service/Clerks office, or at the St. Thomas Public Library front desk. Completed surveys can be returned to any of these locations.
This first phase of engagement is being undertaken with the intention of eliciting resident feedback on the current strategic plan successes, and gathering input on where the City and Council should focus future resources and priorities as part of the updated strategic plan. Information gathered through public engagement in this phase will be presented to Council at a later date to help inform further discussion.
All information on Council's Strategic Planning process can be found at
Click here to take the survey
Residents are encouraged to share the survey and webpage link through your own networks, and with family and friends. The webpage will be updated as we move through the process.
The survey is available until Friday April 21st!
For further information on Council’s Strategic Plan, please reach out to Mayor Preston at [email protected] or at 519-631-1680 ext. 4131
If you have questions or concerns with the survey, or if you/your organization would like to get involved in the engagement process, please reach out to Taylor Mooney at [email protected]