First Avenue Construction

The First Avenue Reconstruction project is Phase 2 of the trunk sewer replacement on First Avenue between Talbot Street and Wellington Street.  Phase 1, from Talbot Street to Steele Street was completed in 2017.  Phase 2 includes the remaining portion of work from Steele Street to just north of Wellington Street.  The work includes upgrading the existing sanitary sewer to provide additional sewer capacity to accommodate anticipated flows from the Industrial Development during the interim critical period prior to the commissioning of the new sewage treatment plant.

First AVenue

                                                             Existing Conditions

The scope of the project generally includes the replacement of the sanitary sewer with a larger diameter sewer, replacement of watermain, sidewalk, curb and gutter and new asphalt driving surface.  The infrastructure renewal design uses a Complete Streets approach to improve and enhance accessibility wherever possible for all road users including vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.

First Avenue Cross Section looking South

                                       First Avenue:  Proposed Cross Section - Looking South

Construction will commence in March and be completed in June.
Project Updates
If you are interested in receiving emails with project status updates during construction, please contact the City's Project Manager, Josh Hare, [email protected]
Project Contacts
City Project Manager/City Inspector
Josh Hare, C. Tech
T 519-631-1680 x 4221
[email protected]