Parks, Recreation and Facilities Holiday Closures

The Parks and Recreation office and the Joe Thornton Community Centre will be closed from December 24 through December 26 and will reopen on December 27 for regular business hours. The buildings will also be closed on January 1 and will reopen for regular business hours on January 2, 2025.

Additionally, Memorial Arena will be closed from December 23 through January 1 and will reopen on January 2, 2025.

Visit the Drop in Programs page for drop in gym (pickleball and badminton) and leisure skating program flyers that take place Sunday to Friday.

icycle helmets are not allowed on the ice.  Only CSA approved hockey helmets. During Parent and Tot skating at 9am there are no sticks and pucks allowed on the ice. Stick and Puck takes place at 10am.

The outdoor Pickleball and Tennis courts are now closed for the winter.

The fitness track hours at the Joe Thornton Community Centre are 8am to 8pm.  The track is closed at 5pm on Friday evenings before STARS games and holidays.
With wet weather, please bring indoor shoes for the track, no boots or outdoor shoes permitted on the track.


Grass and Weeds – City Park Maintenance

Report long grass and weeds in a park

  • Email Customer Service at [email protected]
  • Call Customer Service 519-631-1680, press 0

We will respond within two business days when required.

To report long grass or weeds in parks or on boulevards you will need:

  • name of the park
  • name of the street at the nearest access point
  • location in the park
  • type of maintenance required

St. Thomas has over 700 acres of parkland and 42 parks and open space where you can find over 30 kilometres (km) of recreational trails and paths.

Minimum grass cutting standards

General parkland

  • 5 business days


  • Urban areas – 7 business days
  • Rural areas – twice annually, late spring/early summer and fall
  • Weed control – once per month

Storm water management ponds

Seasonal maintenance, late summer/early fall. The open space surrounding storm water ponds is intended to be left in a natural state for water filtration and to provide habitat for wildlife. We try to maintain a mowed rough-cut buffer behind homes at our common property lines, if accessible by mowers and site conditions allow.

Goose Management Program Information
Use, Protection and Regulation of Parks and Recreation Areas in the City of St. Thomas - By-Law 96-2019
Public Notice of Pesticide Use
City of St Thomas - Parks and Forestry Department

The City of St. Thomas intends to control annual and perennial weeds in the areas listed below.

Talbot Street, running East and West from Fairview Ave to Sunset Drive. Running North and South, one block in each direction of Talbot Street.  All City of St Thomas infrastructure, traffic islands, turning circles within the city limits, City of St Thomas Parking lots, and all city owned parks, playgrounds, sports complexes.

Weeds growing in cracks and crevices will be treated to help lower long-term maintenance costs.

The following pesticide will be used, AXXE Broad SPECTRUM HERBICIDE, Registration 32719
(Ammonium Salt of Fatty Acid, 36%) under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada) No adjuvants or surfactants will be add to the tank.

Commencing on April 15th, 2024 with a final application date no later than October 31st, 2024.

For more information contact City of St. Thomas Customer Service which can be reached via phone at (519) 631-1680, press “0 “, by e-mail at [email protected] or in person on level two of City Hall, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Weed Control Technician, Exterminator Licence L-212-5059427352

Parks And Forestry Division

City of St. Thomas

What is ACT-i-Pass?

The ACT-i-Pass is a program that allows all grade 5 students that live or attend school in the city of London and St Thomas, and the counties of Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford (plus 1 friend, family member, or chaperone) the opportunity to access select FREE recreation programs throughout their ENTIRE school year, including the summer leading into grade 5.


What is the Purpose?

The purpose of the program is to increase a child’s ability to participate in physical activity, which can improve health, lengthen life, decrease illness, reduce screen time, and increase play in their lives! The ACT-i-Pass helps reduce barriers to participation by providing: local opportunities and/or transportation; an introduction to the resources that exist in the area; and, no cost to participation.

Active kids are:

  • less likely to develop heart disease and other chronic diseases;
  • more likely to have greater self-esteem and more positive attitudes;
  • more likely to do well in school and make friends more easily, and;
  • more likely to feel confident

An active lifestyle = happy, confident, healthy kids!


Why Grade 5?

All children in London, St Thomas, Middlesex Elgin and Oxford County entering Grade 5 in September can participate in this fully accessible program. Grade 5 students have been chosen because research shows that physical activity begins to decrease in children as early as age 9.


How can I register my child? To register your child for a 2023-2024 ACT-i-Pass, your child must be enrolled in a Grade 5 class in September of 2023.

Complete the registration form at the link provided:

This program is for children who will be in GRADE 5 during the 2023-24 school year who reside in and/or attend a school in London, Middlesex County, Oxford County, Elgin County or the St. Thomas. If your child is NOT entering grade 5 in September 2023, they are ineligible for the program at this time. If you are unsure if your child is eligible, please contact our team at [email protected].  To register for the program, complete the following ACT-i-Pass Registration Form. You can also complete the optional survey to help us understand the physical activity patterns of children in the tri-county area of Southwestern Ontario (conducted by Western University's Human Environments Analysis Laboratory). You will receive your ACT-i-Pass 3 to 4 weeks after submitting the registration form. If you have lost your ACT-i-Pass, you can receive a replacement card by completing our "lost pass" form.

Do you have any other questions?

Email the HEAL lab at [email protected]

Bee City Canada
St. Thomas is proud to be a Bee City!
Did you know pollinators like bees play a vital role in our environment? As a Bee City, we’re committed to creating spaces where pollinators can thrive. Learn more about how you can support pollinators in your garden by visiting or viewing the Bee City Canada Brochure.


Key Areas of Effort
  • Facilitation: We make it easy for people to achieve their active and passive recreational goals.
  • Expertise: We provide services, programs or facilities where we are the best qualified or equipped to do so.
  • Positive Workplace Culture: We strive to build a positive workplace where all staff members can contribute to our collective success.
  • Customer Focus: We understand that we are in the business of providing courteous, efficient service to meet the needs of the community.
  • Leadership: We behave in a way that is exemplary and seek ways to introduce beneficial innovation to our community.
  • Environmental Responsibility: We protect our natural environment and we seek to employ business practices that are environmentally responsible.
  • Accountability: We accept responsibility for our actions.
  • Healthy Community: We promote a healthy community.
  • Planning for the Future: We effectively plan to meet the future needs of our community.
Trails Map

Meet Our Staff