The City of St. Thomas provides a Conventional Transit System as well as a Parallel Transit System.
Middlesex County Connect - Inter-Community Public Transit Service
On April 8, 2024, Route 3 of the Middlesex County Connect was launched. Middlesex County Connect is an inter-community public transit service that connects our local municipalities in Middlesex County to one another and to the hubs of London, Woodstock, Ingersoll, and St. Thomas. It caters to the needs of seniors, students, youth, workers, and persons with disabilities, allowing them to easily access amenities in their hometowns as well as neighboring communities. All the buses are wheelchair accessible with high floor ramp access, two (2) wheelchair spaces and equipped with a wheelchair lift.
For more information regarding this Route, please visit :
In October of 2021, a six-month review of the transit system was completed. The following improvements were implemented as a result of the review:
- An additional bus operating during Peak periods through weekdays (starting September 1, 2022) was added
- A stop was added at 200 Chestnut Street
- Four (4) stops were added on Talbot Street
- The bus stop at Swiss Chalet was updated (#127,#224,#312,#425)
- An OnDemand Stop (#637) was added along Burwell Road
- The morning shift was expanded for OnDemand & Parallel users to start one hour earlier at 6:15am
For more information on the Conventional and Parallel Transit, please click the links on the upper left.
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