
Emergency Preparedness

Emergencies can occur suddenly and without any advance warning. Residents must create an emergency plan to be prepared and stay safe during emergencies. Learn how to be emergency-ready, what to do during and after an emergency, as well as the different kinds of risks and how you can prepare for the unexpected.

Before an Emergency
Be prepared! Gather your emergency supplies and stay emergency ready.
During an Emergency
Learn how you can stay informed during an emergency, as well as the difference between sheltering in place and evacuating. 
After an Emergency
After any emergency, it is important to know what steps are involved in the recovery process. 
Types of Emergencies
What to do during the ten most likely emergencies for St. Thomas, including power failure, flood and winter storm. Learn about some of the risks and how you can prepare.
Extreme Weather
Read more about emergency preparedness tips for extreme weather situations caused by extreme heat and extreme cold