Mayor Joe Preston

Mayor Preston

Mayoral Roles & Responsibilities


As the duty of the head of the council;
a) to act as chief executive officer of the municipality;
b) to preside over council meetings so that its business can be carried out efficiently and effectively;
c) to provide leadership to the council;
d) to provide information and recommendations to the council with respect to the role of council;
e) to represent the municipality at official functions; and
f) to carry out the duties of the head of council under this or any other Act. (The Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25,s.225)

As the duty of the chief executive officer;
a) uphold and promote the purposes of the municipality;
b) promote public involvement in the municipality's activities;
c) act as the representative of the municipality both within and outside the municipality, and promote the municipality locally, nationally and internationally; and
d) participate in and foster activities that enhance the economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality and its residents. (The Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, s.226.1)

Boards and Committees

  • Board of Management Downtown Development Board
  • Board of Management Valleyview Home
  • Emergency Management Program Committee
  • Greenlane Community Trust Committee
  • Kettle Creek Conservation Authority (Alternate)
  • Police Services Board
  • Southwestern Public Health
  • Special Events Committee (Alternate)
  • St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation

Contact Information

Mayor Joe Preston 
City of St. Thomas
P.O. Box 520 545 Talbot Street 
St. Thomas, ON N5P 3V7 
Email: [email protected]
City Hall Tel: 519-631-1680 ext. 4131
City Hall Fax: 519-631-9970
Cell phone: 519-200-8599