Property Tax Due Dates

Interim tax bills are mailed in February. 2025 due dates are February 28th and April 30th.

Final tax bills are mailed in July. 2025 due dates are July 31st and October 31st. 

Penalty in the amount of 1.25% per month (15% per annum) will be applied to unpaid installments on the first business day of the month following the due date.

Property Tax Email Consent

The City of St. Thomas offers residents the opportunity to receive tax bills by email, rather than regular mail.

Please fill out
this consent form, sign, and return by email to: [email protected]

The form can also be faxed or dropped off in person to the Treasury Department at City Hall.

Property Tax Calculation

The amount of property tax owing on your land and/or building is the result of a calculation based on four factors:
the market value assessment of your property
the tax class into which your property falls
the tax rate for that class (set annually by your City Council)
the tax rate for the Education (school support) portion of that class (set annually by the Province of Ontario)

The amount owing in February and April is charged on the Interim Billing. The Interim billing is an amount equal to 50% of the previous year's property tax.

The amount owing in July and October is charged on the Final Billing. This Final Billing reflects the new tax rate determined by City Council in support of its annual budget, less the amount billed on the Interim. "Please retain this final bill for income tax purposes. Reprints may be obtained by the property owner and will be subject to a $5.00 fee."

A Supplementary (or Additional) tax bill may be issued as we receive information that changes the assessed value or the tax class of a property. The most common example of this is the completed building of a new home. The taxes billed prior to the building of the home are generally for the land only. When the home is complete, and we are advised of the assessed value, a ‘supplementary' tax bill will be created issued to reflect the amount of taxes due for the ‘house' portion of the property.

Payment Methods

There are several ways to pay your property taxes:

  • A monthly preauthorization plan. An amount equal to 1/12th of your annual taxes is automatically debited from your bank account on the last business day of the month.
  • preauthorization plan by installment. The amount of the installment is automatically debited from your bank account on the due date.
  • On-line via your banks on-line banking website.  Use the complete 15 digit roll number as seen on your tax bill for identification of your payment e.g. 010020123450000.
  • At most financial institutions.  Fees may be applicable - ensure payment is date stamped by the teller on or before the due date to avoid late payment charges.
  • By cheque made payable to the City of St. Thomas, mailed to PO Box 520, 545 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, ON  N5P 3V7.  Cheque(s) can be post-dated to the due dates.  Payments must be postmarked on or before the due date to avoid late payment charges.  NSF cheques are subject to a $25.00 service charge
  • By cheque in the night depository. The night depository box is located at the rear entry on the east side of the building off the parking lot.