Development Charges



 By-Law 156-2021 - City Wide

 By-law 139-2020 South Block

 By-law 157-2021 Dalewood

 Bylaw 141-2020 NW Area 1

Development Charges are fees imposed against land to pay for increased capital costs required because of increased needs for services arising from development of the area.

The collected Development Charges may be applied to the following City of St. Thomas services: waste, water treatment, roads, recreation, library, fire protection and related studies.

Development Charges are payable on the date the permit is issued under the Ontario Building Code Act, 1992, in relation to a building or structure on land to which the development charge applies.

2021 Development Charges Brochures

2020 Development Charges Background Study - April 2020

Development Charges - Effective April 1, 2023
Development Charges - Effective April 1, 2024
Development Charges are subject to change without notice.